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TSL supports the Healthcare sector across a range of initiatives and projects including:


Home Renal Services Installations: Remove patient car from within hospital environment and allow for home dialysis.TSL provides the foundation for patient home dialysis. From site survey to providing the electrical and mechanical requirements for patients to remain within their homes without the need for hospital visits.



High Purity water services installation for hospital CSSD and Endoscopy operations: Providing high purity water solutions and distribution of high purity water for hospital use and patient care usings a number of high purity options including orbital welded and cross linked PE based products. Systems are fully qualified before handover.


UF and primary water filtration for NHS facilities across the UK.

Contact Us

Mon - Fri: 0800 - 1700

Address: Grange Road, Houston Industrial Estate, Livingston, EH54 5DE

Tel. +(44) 01506 434 812

© Tech Sure (UK) Ltd

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